Category: dTalks

Is your Website Fast Enough?

Wordpress is a fantastic web tool that helps people get up and running with a functional website as soon as possible. But the hassle-free install comes

Dotcord Tutorial: Adding GST to your WooCommerce Store

The new tax slabs have been released by the government of India under the GST bill. This is a short tutorial to help with adjusting

Priming India for Entrepreneurship

Primer is a Google app that is different from the rest. It is not a tool for business and advertisement. Rather than seek to advertise,

LibreOffice: Why is it good for Open Source and Linux?

Ubuntu is the most famous version of a Linux operating system. Linux is Free, stable, easy-to-use and open source. Yet for the past twenty years

Android workshop a success

The Workshop began on the morning of the 26th of March. Co-ordinator of IT incubation center Prof. Deepakraj. R. Mangalwede welcomed the gathering. Mr. Sandeep Hegde,

Two Day Android Workshop @ KLS GIT, Belgaum

Good News! An Android workshop is to be held on 26th and 27th March 2011 in GIT, Belgaum. Organised by the IT Incubation Center of