I have a tendency of forgetting people’s birthday, which makes me wonder how i got hired for this job in the first place. Anyway the whole dotCORD team would like to wish Mr. Sandeep (whom we affectionately call sir ) a very Happy Birthday.
We are very fortunate to work under him, as at the age of 23 he has managed to set up his own company, and a good one too. I am waiting for the day when he becomes really famous so that when the press come to take his pic i’ll be there in the back making funny faces and then run around screaming, “I’m in the papers!”. Of course, he is a great guide for all of us and everything that dotCORD undertakes is a success.
He is a friend around the office and that just makes it a fun place to work at. I wonder what’s going to be the theme of this years office party We wish you many many happy returns of the day and hope that God will bless you with Peace and Happiness or a Wife, as both don’t go together
I got a green cake because its a dotCORD cake and we are consistent And i got flowers. I dont know why I got flowers. They are pretty though. Hope that makes me the employee of the month
Hope you have a great time because you deserve it.
The dotCORD team
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